회사 근처에 유명한 빵집이 있다는 이야기를 듣고 점심시간에 방문했어요. 기억 속에는 그런 빵집이 없었는데 어디에 있는거냐면 투덜거렸는데, 알고 봤더니 정말 숨어 있더라구요~ 지도만 보고는 좀 헤맬 수 있겠다 싶었습니다. I heard that there is a famous bakery near my company, so I visited it during lunch time. I didn't have such a bakery in my memory, but I was grumbling where it was, but it turned out that it was really hiding. I thought I could get lost just by looking at the map. 처음 오시는 분들..