강원도 춘천에 출장을 갔다가 저녁 먹고 이대로 돌아가기 아쉬워서 들린 곳이에요. I went on a business trip to Chuncheon, Gangwon-do, and I stopped by because I didn't want to go back home after dinner. 특이한 외관이 신기해서 들렀는데, 내부가 더 이쁜 카페였어요. I stopped by because it was amazed by the unique appearance, and it was a prettier cafe inside. 카페 그리너리 Cafe Grenery 내부는 3층까지 있고, 밖에는 캠핑장처럼 꾸며놓았어요. It's up to the 3rd floor inside, and it's decorat..